Monday, 27 May 2013


LI to use lattice multiplication to solve problems

Lattice Multiplication is the best, I am confident you guys are going to nail this concept and it will be really helpful but I would love to get your feedback.

Lattice Multiplication: Introduction to lattice multiplication

Try it with these equations, write the lattice in your books.


LI to solve division problems using how many times one number will go into another

Quick revision on doubling and halving
Try these with decimals 

Okay so now we are going to look at proportional adjustment

If only it was always this straightforward, although to be honest, 3 x50 is a pretty straightforward question. For these questions work across the page

Thursday LI to identify equivalency in mult/div problems

Week 4 Hypatias

Preparations for the Mathathon have shown that some of you are a little confused around fractions and finding fractions of numbers.
To find fractions out we 

A fraction is part of an entire object.

One fourth is yellow

Two fourths are yellow.
One half is yellow.

Three fourths are yellow.

Four fourths are yellow.
 As happy as that diagram is, with all of its happy bright cheerful colours, it doesn't necessarily help us when trying to solve 1/4 of 16.

So lets start at the beginning.
4/4=1/1= 1. 

4/4 is a fraction, but it is also a whole number. 
Because 4  ÷ 4 = 1 

If we 
were to start breaking up 4/4 into parts of 16 a quarter of sixteen is 4, a half of sixteen is 8, three quarters of sixteen is 12, and four quarters of 16 is 16.

Okay, so for a start in your books write the yellow stuff in your books and then work out

1/2 of 36.
1/4 of 20.
1/5 of 25.
3/5 of 25.

If you feel confident with this, move onto the next questions.


Moving back to our Mult/Div focus
LI to use the strategy compensation in mult/div


L.I. I am learning to solve multiplication problems with powers

We have already looked at exponents, today we are going to quickly refresh our learning on exponents and build some more learning.

Cool, right. Lets quickly do this work to show you understand and then I want you to watch this video about adding and subtracting exponents.

Exponent Rules Part 1: Introduction to exponent rules

L.I. I am learning to solve multiplication problems involving positive and negative numbers(integers)

We have looked at some of these problems before, in add/sub. There were learned that.
(Positive × Positive = Positive)    + x + = +   +2 x +2=+4
(Positive × Negative = Negative) + x - = -    +2 x -2 = -4
 (Negative × Positive = Negative) - x + = -    -2 x +2 = -4
(Negative x Negative= Positive) - x - = +       -2 x -2 = +4   
- because two negatives cancel each other out. 

(Write this in your book, it will help - also highlight it)
Okay lets watch this video

Multiplying Positive and Negative Numbers: Basics of multiplication with negative numbers
Multiplying Positive and Negative Numbers: Basics of multiplication with negative numbers

Work on these answers collaboratively, please write at least three examples of correct answers in your books.
Click here

L.I. I am learning to solve division problems using reversals
Hint, use a calculator!

For number one, do you see how the answer has been reversed and pulled back across the equals sign? So by dividing 14.79 by  4.721 you get 3.13 which is the answer to the missing blank. Again, using our knowledge of equivalency  , 3.13x 4.721 = 14.79

You will need to write the questions into your books

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Hypatias Tuesday

Check with Mr Phillips once you have finished your warmup.

LI to multiply using part whole strategy
Holly planted 5 rows of carrots with 30 carrots in each row.
How many carrots is this altogether?

5 x 30 = is not a question that we generally learn in our times tables, but there is one in there that we do know.
5x3= 15 and then we put the place value back in, because that 3 was actually 30, so the answer isn't 15, but 150 carrots.

Another way is to break apart the 30 into three 10s. We know 5x10=50 so we just need three 50s.
Because we already know that multiplication is repeated addition (50+50+50)=(3x50).


Friday, 17 May 2013


LI to use the strategy estimating in mult/div problems

What does estimating strategy look like in practise?

You might want to write down the two multiplication examples, they will help when you move on to the work for today. 


Learning Intention: to use doubling, halving, thirding with problems involving fractions

Trying something different this week, using .pdfs instead of uploading photos. Please let me know in the comments whether you prefer it this way, it does mean you get colour!

Click here

Saturday, 11 May 2013


LI Using reversing to solve mult/div problems

(Not always related to driving cars)

Sometimes it is easier to think of problems in a different way, as we know it doesn't change the equation if the question is written

9 x 7 = 56,    or    7 x 9 = 56

The answer is still 56, that is because each number has remained constant, or the same.

First, try this airplane problem.

Did you draw a range of plans for the aeroplane? If not, you definitely should have!
Moving on,

For example 1. 12

1. 2x6=12
2. 3x4=12
3. 4x3=12
7. 36÷4=9
Please make sure you write the question and your answers in a neat organised table.



LI I am learning to work out mult/div problems using standard written algorithm!


Today we are learning to use the
"Doubling and halving" strategy

LI solve multiplication/division problems using doubling and halving, and thirding and trebling

Home Learning Tonight: Please work on these questions at home, there are only three questions so it shouldn't be too taxing.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

HYPATIAS Week 1 Friday

LI Use tidy numbers with multiplication and division problems

Remember to write the learning intention and the question into your books.

 Once you have completed those, try these problems using the tidy number strategy.

Open Ended Maths Problems

Rounding numbers practise:

A number has been rounded off to 5.8, what might that number be? Are there any other numbers that could have been rounded off to 5.8?

Find the different numbers
The difference between two numbers is 14. What might the the two numbers be?

A good quality response to these questions would include:

  • systematic answers- recorded in a table
  • Show complex answers which 
  • If patterns can be found, they are evident in the answers, or are commented on. 
Have you achieved this? 

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Euklids Week 1

Euklids Week 1

This guy, with a great beard, is a Greek Mathematician. He is your group's namesake, and was big into geometry. This term our focus is on multiplication and to all be achieving at stage eight. 

Next step we are all going to master this tricky place value strategy for multiplication and division problems. 

Please write the learning intention
I am learning to use place value to solve multiplication problems
in your books and then solve the problems in the worksheet. 
Remember to use the place value strategy we will discuss together.

 Once you have completed these, could you write a reflection on how effective you feel this strategy is in solving these tricky multiplication problems?

If you feel you need more support write that in your reflection to, it needs to be an "accurate" reflection of where you are at.

Then you have some pangarau home learning to complete, this week we will start you off with three questions. I am expecting these questions to be finished and signed off by your parents and brought in back to class tomorrow. Kia Ora guys, and good luck.

Hypatias Week 1

Hypatia is the first (known) female mathematician, but definitely not the last.

Week 1

Write Learning Intention in your book

 LI I am learning to solve multiplication problems using arrays

Warm Up

Now lets move on to arrays. For question one you will need to find an equivalent (the same as) multiplication equation. Write down the problem e.g 3 rows of 4 and then write the is the same as ........ 2 x 6= What could it also be the same as?